17 April 2019
BSG’s Risk Assessment Software Partnership with SELECT
The Building Safety Group Ltd (BSG) have set up an arrangement with SELECT Ltd whereby all SELECT members will have access to FREE online ‘Risk Assessment Software’ to help members meet their legal obligations to comply with Health & Safety law. Members will be able to log into BSG’s system where they can access over 70 different types of risk assessment templates.
Conducting regular risk assessments is essential for managing the health, safety and environmental welfare of everyone affected by your business. This includes site operatives, sub-contractors, office staff, in-house maintenance teams as well as the general public.
Each BSG template is pre-configured with its own set of unique control measures relevant to the hazard being assessed. Users simply have to apply a risk rating for each hazard appraised, using BSGs 5 x 5 risk evaluation matrix. The matrix will automatically calculate scores accordingly based on risk severity and likelihood.
Users can then apply a residual risk rating once the control measures have been considered. After an assessment has been completed, it can be saved as a PDF before being emailed to the site location where the construction work is taking place.
To start using the BSG service SELECT members will need to register, using their SELECT contact details, including their membership number. Once registered, they will be able to log onto the site at any time and create Risk Assessments.
To start the registration process: https://www.bsgltd.co.uk/bsg-software-registration/