03 February 2020
INDG143 Manual handling at work: A brief guide (revision)
INDG143 Manual handling at work, the revised leaflet is aimed at employers. It explains the problems associated with manual handling and includes guidance on how to deal with them. It gives useful practical advice on reducing the risk of injury from manual handling and will help employers carry out their duties under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.
The updated INDG143 Manual handling at work brings the risk assessment process in line with L23 (PDF) Appendix 1 to help identify low-risk tasks and includes:
- More information on the simple risk filters for lifting and lowering and carrying operations
- Simplified advice on pushing and pulling with new simple filter pushing/pulling illustrations
- A simple filter for handling while seated
The section on safe handling techniques from the previous version has been moved to HSE’s website.
There are no changes to regulations or policy.
Source: HSE
BSG Provide a Manual Handling Training Course. The half-day Manual Handling course is aimed at personnel who are required to do any manual lifting during the course of their work and will ensure that those attending are aware of the legal duties regarding manual handling operations at work.