12 February 2016
Meeting the Challenge: Compliance and CDM 2015
Paul Kimpton, MD of the Building Safety Group commented in the January edition of Planning and Building Controls Today. He considered the challenges companies have to complying with the recently updated Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations.
CDM 2015 is now in full force. Significant changes to these regulations promise a better framework for improving health and safety within the construction industry. They also promise to cut bureaucracy and, according to the HSE, save the industry over £30 million a year.
But changes mean challenges; particularly for those charged with their implementation. The Building Safety Group (BSG) is keen to see its 800 member companies reaping the promised benefits by meeting those challenges smoothly and effectively.
The transitional provision from CDM2007 to CDM2015 ended on 6 October 2015. But BSG’s campaign to alert member companies to their new duties began over a year earlier. This included training for our own health and safety advisers, articles in our monthly newsletter and a series of free breakfast sessions at which our Technical Manager Chris Chapman, spelt out what the changes would mean for duty holders.
If you would like to read the full article and learn what BSG see as the two most significant challenges, please go to the newsletter pages on our website and download the February edition of BSG news.