- Responsibility of the operator
- Operational safety code
- Site Safety
- Risk Assessment
- Simple Manoeuvring
- Advanced Manoeuvring
- Basic hydraulic & electrical systems
- Daily safety checks & maintenance
- Refuelling / recharging
- Stacking and De-stacking (Bulk, Racking and Scaffolding – where applicable)
- Practical Examinations
- Vehicle loading (where applicable)
This course qualifies you to operate forklift trucks in accordance with ABA list classification. It also qualifies you to operate forklift trucks on any site in the UK with permission of the person responsible for site H&S and use any attachment for which you receive formal training. It does not qualify you to instruct others in the use of forklift trucks, supervise anyone who has not received formal training and qualifications in the use of forklift trucks.